
Café au Lait “Shake” - 4 Cups

Makes about 4 cups

Café au Lait “Shake” - 4 Cups

Makes about 4 cups

It is easy to make delicious and thick coffee beverages at home. Plan ahead, as you need to make special ice cubes.

Nutritional information per serving (½ cup):Calories 40 (54% from fat)
carb. 4g
pro. 1g
fat 2g
sat. fat 2g
chol. 8mg
sod. 10mg
calc. 24mg
fiber 0g


6 ounces heavy cream or half-and-half 2½ cups strongly brewed coffee, divided 2 tablespoons granulated sugar


1. Mix the cream and ¾ cup of the coffee and pour into an ice cube tray. Put in the freezer overnight to freeze solid. 2. Once the cream and coffee are frozen, put the remaining coffee into the blender jar with the sugar. 3. Add the frozen cubes and run on High until fully blended, about 45 seconds to 1 minute. The drink is very thick, so it will take time to blend. 4. Serve immediately. It may be easier to scoop than pour.