
Tropical Mango Smoothie

Makes 1 serving

Tropical Mango Smoothie

Makes 1 serving

All the flavors of the tropics in one cup. Sure to be a hit with the kids and grownups alike.

Nutritional information per serving:Calories 163 (22% from fat)
carb. 34g
pro. 2g
fat 5g
sat. fat 3g
chol. 0mg
sod. 31mg
calc. 380mg
fiber 4g


  • ⅔cup frozen mango pieces
  • ⅓cup frozen pineapple pieces
  • ½banana, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • ¾cup coconut milk


  1. 1. Put all of the ingredients, in the order listed, into the blending cup.
  2. Secure blade assembly.
  3. 2. Run on High until smooth, about 1 minute.
  4. 3. Serve immediately