
Silky Chocolate Dairy-Free Ice Cream

Makes about 4 cups

Silky Chocolate Dairy-Free Ice Cream

Makes about 4 cups

The silken tofu makes a mousse-like consistency in this vegan-friendly dessert.

Nutritional information per serving (based on ½ cup): Calories 248(45% from fat)
carb. 35g
pro. 4g
fat 13g
sat. fat 7g chol. 0mg
sod. 16mg
calc. 30mg
fiber 2g


  • 12 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • ¹⁄³ cup granulated sugar
  • 1½ teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup unsweetened soy milk
  • 14 ounces silken tofu, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • pinch salt


  1. Put the chocolate, sugar, and vanilla extract into a blender jar.
  2. Put the soy milk into a saucepan and set over medium heat. Bring the milk just to a boil. Let the milk sit for a few minutes, then add contents of the blender jar. Blend on Low. Remove the pour lid insert from the blender cover and add the tofu cubes while the blender is running on High. Once all the tofu has been added, add the salt and blend on High until homogenous.
  3. Chill for a minimum 2 hours, preferably overnight. Prior to using the ice cream base, whisk the chilled mixture well and then pour through a strainer to ensure a smooth mixture.
  4. Assemble the Mix It In™ Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker with the paddle secured and dispenser handle in its upright position. Turn on and pour in the chilled base. Churn until the desired serving consistency is reached, 20 to 25 minutes. If ice cream is not thick enough, pour back into the freezer bowl and continue mixing until the desired consistency is reached, checking every few minutes. The ice cream will have a soft, creamy texture.
  5. Serve in cups or cones, adding toppings while dispensing the ice cream.