Focaccia Romana

Cuisinart original

We kept this recipe classic with basic ingredients. Feel free to jazz it up with toppings like chopped olives, roasted garlic or grated Parmesan cheese.


Makes 18 servings


2½  teaspoons active dry yeast
⅛ teaspoon granulated sugar
½    cup warm (105-110F) water
4     cups unbleached, all-purpose flour, plus extra for rolling
3     teaspoons kosher salt, divided
1     cup cold water
4     tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided
       nonstick cooking spray
2     tablespoons fresh rosemary, roughly chopped

Nutritional information

Nutritional information per serving (based on 18 servings):
Calories 125 (24% from fat) • carb. 20g • pro. 4g • fat 3g • sat. fat 0g chol. 0mg • sod. 187mg • calc. 12mg • fiber 1g


1. Stir the yeast and sugar together into the warm water. Let sit
until foamy.
2. Put the flour and 1 teaspoon of salt in the work bowl of a food
processor fitted with the dough blade or metal chopping blade.
Process for 10 seconds to sift ingredients.
3. Add the cold water and 2 tablespoons of oil to the yeast mixture.
With the machine running, slowly pour the liquid through the feed
tube and continue processing until a dough ball forms. Let the
machine run for an additional minute to knead.
4. Place the dough ball into a large mixing bowl, cover with plastic wrap
and place in the oven on the rack in position 1. Select Proof and set
to 80°F for 45 minutes. Dough should be doubled in size when time
5. While dough is proofing, spray the Baking Pan liberally with nonstick
cooking spray
6. Remove from oven and punch down the dough and turn out onto
a floured surface. Roll out into a rectangle to fit the prepared Baking
Pan, stretching the dough to meet the edges of the pan.
7. Using your fingers, make indentations in the dough over the entire
surface. Brush with the remaining olive oil and sprinkle with remaining
salt and the chopped rosemary. Cover with plastic wrap.
8. Replace the rack in the oven with the prepared Baking Pan. Select
Proof again and set to 80°F for 30 minutes.
9. When time expires, remove plastic wrap and select Convection Bake
and set to 400°F for 20 minutes. Focaccia should be golden and
crisp. Let cool slightly before cutting and serving.

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